
how to create a spam-bot with pyautogui python module

  Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language using pyautogui pyautogui  library provides cross-platform support for managing mouse and keyboard operations through code to enable automation of tasks. to install  pyautogui  you need python 2 or python 3 installed  if  you meet the requirements above so lets start :- head to the command prompt or terminal and type ; pip install pyautogui next you need a text editor or  ide in this case i am using visual studio code. open your desired ide and : input this code import pyautogui import time comments = [“Hi”,”Just commenting for fun”,”Checking my python comment bot”,”Just for fun”,”I am just checking my python skill”,”python is awesome”,”I am a messy programmer”] time.sleep(5) for i in range(10):     pyautogui.typewrite(comment...